My Story
"Don't Give Up #Noexcuses"
Growing up in the inner city of Chicago I was always known as the good kid but found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time. I played sports at a young age and always thought I was destined to go professional.
On July 4, 1997, I was playing basketball at nighttime and found myself involved in a drive-by shooting. I was playing basketball in the park when the shots rang out of nowhere. I was shot in the head and was rushed to the hospital where I had to undergo brain surgery. After surgery I was unable to move the left side of my body at the same speed as my right side. I suffered scaring in the area where my head was stapled. Lastly, I had to overcome the deformity of my left side physically being smaller than my right side. It appeared my life would never be normal again after experiencing such trauma from being shot in the head.
Once released from the hospital, I would once again be faced with more trauma. A few days after being released, a gun was put up to my head while being threatened for my life. Luckily, I was unharmed and everyone in my house was safe. All money and valuable items were gone. A month later, which was seven days before my birthday, my father was murdered due to multiple gunshot wounds. At this time, I was communicating with my father about picking me up from my aunt's house. His lasts words to me were "l'm on my way." I never heard from my father again.
Due to all the trauma that was experienced in Chicago, my family decided to move to Waterloo, IA. My family was always dealing with grief in Chicago and thought it was better to move to a more quiet and less violent place. I was able to get back into playing sports. Although I had limitations, I was able to excel in basketball with just one hand. I was limited due to the headaches from the metal plate in my head and my enlarged heart. My high school athletics did not go as planned due to these conditions.
Growing up, my mother struggled with severe back pain. My mother was unable to work and take on household duties by herself. My mother began to get sicker as the years went by. My mother could no longer stand and needed help to get around. My mother then became wheelchair burdened. While I was destined to go to college, I was pulled aside by my mother stating, "I need your help with the bills and your sisters." I then chose to stay back and get a job to help provide and pick up responsibilities and duties around the house. Through this journey, my mother had a total of ten surgeries without my knowledge. Although I knew my mother was going in and out of the hospital, I never knew what for. My mother then shared with me that she wanted me to make something out of my safe and not stay monotonous. I then went away to a community college where I studied Liberal Arts. A year later, I received a call from my aunt saying that she needed me to come back home during finals week. I dropped everything and went back to Waterloo, IA where my mother was in the hospital. At this point she stated to me to take care of my sisters. Shortly after, my mother passed away due to bone cancer.
Life was hard after losing both parents. I contemplated suicide on many occasions. I experienced severe headaches which accompanied nose bleeding. I was sick to my stomach. After finishing community college, I did a lot of soul searching. I attempted to figure out my purpose and what I wanted to do next.
This is how the brand started.
In 2013, the brand started with me using my personal testimony to give hope and inspiration. I started by using quotes, Facebook statuses, and videos to encourage and motivate others to not give up on themselves. The purpose of this brand was to uplift others through my story. I wanted people to know what I have been through and use it as an example to not give up and keep pushing. The mantra #noexcuses came from all the excuses I could have used to fail in life, but I did not. Instead, I used these excuses as motivation to be all I could be. Reality Check Movement was named due to giving myself a reality check that no matter the environment I was placed in I could be successful.
Why is it a movement?
I wanted the brand to be an each one, teach one mindset. To where I could be a community activist whether it be through volunteering, coaching, speech engagements, or helping out nonprofits. My forwardness will spread out into my community to make the community a better place.
Chasing Dreams
I was able to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts in 2017. In 2020, I graduated with a Master of Art in Leisure, Youth, and Human Services. Saying this, with all my disabilities I was able to conquer whatever it was I put my mind to be successful. If I do can do it, anyone can do it.